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Delivery Policy

Delivery Policy

At EmiratesOutlet.com, we're committed to getting your orders to you quickly and efficiently. We understand that you're excited to receive your purchases, and we want to make the delivery process as smooth and transparent as possible. This policy outlines our delivery timelines and procedures, both for domestic and international orders.

Domestic Delivery:

  • Delivery Time: Most orders within the United Arab Emirates are delivered within 2 to 5 business days from the date of purchase. However, please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location and chosen shipping method.
  • Shipping Methods: We offer a variety of shipping methods to suit your needs and budget. Some popular options include standard ground shipping, expedited shipping, and overnight delivery. Shipping costs will be calculated at checkout based on your chosen method and order weight.
  • Order Processing: Please allow 1 business day for order processing before your order is shipped. This timeframe may be extended during peak periods or high order volume. You will receive a notification email with tracking information once your order ships.

International Delivery:

  • Delivery Time: International orders typically take 5 to 9 business days to arrive, but please note that this can vary depending on your destination country and customs processing times.
  • Shipping Methods: International shipping is available to most countries, and the available methods may vary depending on your location. You will see the available options and corresponding costs at checkout.
  • Customs Fees and Duties: It is your responsibility to understand and pay any customs fees or duties that may be applied to your order upon arrival in your country. We recommend contacting your local customs office for more information.

General Information:

  • Delivery Address: Please ensure that you provide a complete and accurate delivery address during checkout. We cannot be held responsible for delays or non-delivery due to incorrect or incomplete address information.
  • Delivery Confirmation: You will receive a notification email with tracking information once your order ships. You can use this information to track your package's progress.
  • Holidays and Weekends: Please note that delivery times may be extended during holidays or weekends.

We at EmiratesOutlet.com are committed to providing you with a fast and reliable delivery experience. If you have any questions about our delivery policy, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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